ANA Extends Miles and SKY COIN Expiration – See How to Register
In an email sent to its Mileage Club members, All Nippon Airways (ANA) announced it will extend the expiration of miles and SKY COINS. Registration is required.

Email from ANA
We have already extended the expiration dates of miles and ANA SKY COINS due to expire between March 31, 2020 and February 28, 2021 up to March 31, 2021.
However, in light of the current circumstances, we will now extend the expiration dates of miles and ANA SKY COINS due to expire between March 31 and August 31, 2021 up to September 30, 2021.
Members wishing to extend these expiration dates must register to do so within the registration period.
How to extend your miles
Unlike back in April when extension was automatic, this time you must register on the ANA Mileage Club webpage below:–_227933_–_1229124_–_3
Registration period is until 11:59pm Japan Standard Time on August 31, 2021.
My Two Cents
This is a nice relief for ANA Mileage Club and SKY COINS holders, as ANA miles expire 36 months after they are earned, and activity on account does not normally extend the oldest, expiring miles unless one has Diamond status.
With Japan confronting another COVID-19 peak, ANA has done the right thing to extend its miles and SKY COINS, so people can worry about other things for now. This is also an a sign that things aren’t going to return to normal for a long time, and perhaps even a little foreshadowing to the state of travel in 2021; I wouldn’t bet against ANA offering another extension next year.